+ Talk radio shows & podcasts, author interviews & profiles, literary journals, book lover communities
Best reads and most "discussable"
Fact-finding, fact-checking, conversion tables, checking fake news and misinformation, fact-checking by topic, news and info resources
long-form journalism, e-singles, online aggregators
New, used, rare books, Amazon, etc. Where to donate or recycle.
Plus querying, the art of the pitch (different for books than for magazines), beta readers, the book deal, subsidiary rights
Social media, SEO, podcasts, AI and ChatGPT, blogs, ezines, survey tools and online games
AB5 and the gig economy, taxes and deductions, consulting, contracting, insurance (health, disability, liability) and tools for independent work
Job boards and sites posting freelance gigs
Ads, book promotion, intelligent radio programs, newsletters, platform, book packaging, marketing a product and yourself as an author, growing your audience
Ebooks/digital publishing, audiobooks, history of (and changes in) book publishing. See also Self-Publishing
Indie publishing, digital publishing, hybrid publishing, POD, how-to sources. See also Publishing and e-publishing.
The heart of Sarah Wernick's website
(with her family's permission)
Multimedia, data visualization, visual storytelling, songwriting, cartoons, maps, charts and so on
Plus contests, other sources of funds for creators
Plus book fairs and festivals, writers colonies (residencies, communities, retreats)
Content marketing, copywriting, speechwriting, marketing, training, and writing for government and organizations
Literary and commercial (including genre)
Writing, reporting, transcription, multimedia, equipment, computers, software, computer security, tech tips, cryptocurrency, Dark Web
Translators, indexers, designers, photographers, artists, illustrators, animators, cartoonists, image professionals, composers
including personal essays and academic writing
Groups for writers who specialize in animals, children's books, food, family history, the outdoor world, resumes, sports, travel, webwriting, and wine (etc.)
Writers on offices, standing desks, rejection, writer's block, writers groups, procrastination, and other features of the writing life
Fair use, public domain, book contracts, licensing, permissions, rights clearance, reversion of rights, digital rights, DMCA takedown notices, net neutrality
First Amendment issues, banned books, free speech, invasion of privacy, online privacy, data protection, plagiarism, libel, censorship, media watchdogs, FOIA, protection for whistleblowers
and for copyeditors, proofreaders, indexers, and translators--and clients!
The order of the parts of a book
What goes on the copyright page
Acronyms and initialisms *** Apostrophes *** British vs American punctuation (some Canadian) *** Capitalization *** Commas, serial commas, and semicolons *** Dashes, em dashes, ellipses, colons, slashes, and commas *** Editing and proofing marks *** Exclamation points *** Hyphens *** Parentheses, brackets, and braces *** Periods *** Quotation marks and italics *** The debate about 1 space or 2 between sentences *** Umlaut and diaeresis *** Punctuation generally
And views on the author-editor relationship